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1.3. Guide's Organization

  1. General Introduction to Software Management Concepts
  2. General Software Management Using GUIs
  3. YUM and Its Configuration
  4. Gaining Power Using the Command Line (CLI).
This guide is organized so that fundamental concepts are presented firstly, then the graphical user interface tools, then CLI tools and more advanced techniques in the subject of software management.
This manual was conceived so that beginners can go climbing or simply read the first sections of this manual and obtain a sufficient level of information required for a home desktop user. If you need more than the graphical desktop tools, you can continue reading and examine the configuration and use of the YUM system to become a master of management software in Fedora.
As you progress through the text, the level of complexity and difficulty increases, climbing from software management of a home system, to a managed workstations and Fedora servers network.